Thursday, January 28, 2016

basic knowledge of computer information technology

basic knowledge of computer information technology


⦁    Depth knowledge & function of computer parts     Some full form of Meaning

⦁    Assembling                            WWW    = World Wide Web
⦁    Trouble shooting of computer problems         LCD    = Liquid Crystal Display
⦁    Formatting & Installing                ROM    = Read Only Memory
⦁    Hacking Tricks & Track                 LED    = Light Emitting Diode
⦁    Multi pc with Pc Station Device concept        DIMM    = Dual in-line Memory Module
IC          = Integrated Circuit
CD    = Compact Disk                        ISP    = Internet Service Provider
DDR    = Double Data Rate                     RAM    = Random Access Memory
CPU    = Central Processing Unit                    PC    = Personal Computer
BIOS    = Basic Input Output System                OS    = Operating System
DVD    = Digital Versatile Disk                    HDD    = Hard Disk Drive
MS    = Micro Software                         USB    = Universal Serial Bus       
FAT    = File Allocation Technology                 CU    = Control Unit   
SMPS    = Switch Mode Power Supply                 VGA    = Video Graphics Array
ALU    = Arithmetic Logic Unit                    AGP    = Accelerated Graphics Port
NTFS    = New Technology File System                PCI    = Peripheral Component
IDE    = Integrated Development Environment                Interconnect
CPU Box (Casing)
Function of Computer casing (CPU Box)
 It is a Box. Which is protect the entire computer Parts likes (Motherboard, Hard Drive, Processor, Ram etc.)         Or                       
(It is use to cover all the entire motherboard.)
Name of Computer case
 Gold Kist
⦁    Perfect
⦁    Smart

Internal Parts of Casing (Cpu Box)                    Storage Device
⦁    Motherboard                                Zip Drive
⦁    CPU (Central Processing Unit)                    Floppy Disk
⦁    RAM (Random Access Memory)                    Hard Disk
⦁    Hard Disk                                Dvd/cd Drive
⦁    DVD (Digital Versatile Drive) or CD (Compact Disk)        Pen Drive



Function of Motherboard
A motherboard is known as a main board, system board and logic board. It can be found in a variety of electrical devices. Generally, it will be referred to as a motherboard or a main board when associated with a complex device such as a computer, which is what we shall look at. Put simply, it is the central circuit board of your computer.
A motherboard houses the BIOS (Basic Input/output System), which is the simple software run by a computer when initially turned on. Other components attach directly to it, such as the memory, CPU (Central Processing Unit), graphics card, sound card, hard-drive, disk drives, along
with various external ports and peripherals.
Model of Motherboard                Name of motherboard (Company)
⦁    945 G Series                 MSI
⦁    G31 Series                    Esconic Intel
⦁    G41 Series                    Foxconn
⦁    G Series of Second Generation        Intel Desktop Board
                        Asus (It’s one of the best board in the world)
Supported RAM and CPU by Model of Motherboard

Model of Motherboard    CPU    RAM
945 G Series
    Celeron and Pentium
    DDR with DDR2

G31 Series
    Celeron, Pentium to Pentium4     DDR2

G41 Series
    Pentium 3.0, Duel Core 2.0, Core2 Due, core i3, core2 Quad

Second Generation of G series
    Second Generation Celeron

Hard Drive
Capacity of Hard Disk
10 GB, 20 GB, 40 GM, 80 GB, 160 GB, 250 GB, 320 GB, 500 GB 1000 GB
 Types of Hard Disk        Company Name of Hard Disk
External                 SAMSUNG, SEGATE, WDC
⦁    Portable
⦁    SATA Connector
⦁    IDE(Pata) Connector

Function of Hard Drive
All of the data displayed on a computer, including pictures, music, video and text, are stored on the hard drive. Additionally, the applications that display this content and allow users to modify it are themselves stored on the hard drive. A computer's hard drive also contains its operating system. Hard drive that the computer will access when it is turned on, booting the operating system and eventually displaying the user's familiar desktop interface.
Data Transfer:-
In recent years small, portable hard drives known as "mobile HDDs" have become common. These make the transfer of large amounts of data possible by allowing users to simply transport the hard drive from one computer to another where it can be copied to the computer's internal hard drive or accessed from the portable hard drive itself.
RAM (Random access memory)
Types of RAM                       
⦁    DDR
⦁    DDR3
Model Name of Ram
⦁    Kingston
⦁    Dynet
⦁    Transcend
⦁    Crucial Technology

Function of Ram (Random Access memory)
 RAM (Random Access Memory) is a form of computer data storage. It is a temporary memory of computer. It takes form of integrated circuits that allow stored data to be accessed in any order that is random. RAM memory is basically are used to take information of all the processes that are running are stored on your computer. For example, you have a document open on your computer it would be temporarily stored on the RAM until you close the image. RAM is often associated with volatile types, if power is switched off of the computer, all information will be lost.
   Modern memory modules can be purchased in 128 MB, 256MB, 512MB, 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, and 8GB sizes
(Central Processing Unit)CPU

Function of CPU (Central Processing Unit)
central processing unit (CPU), principal part of any digital computer system, generally composed of the main memory, control HYPERLINK ""unit and arithmetic-logic unit.
It constitutes the control unit of the central processing unit regulates and integrates the operations of the computer. It selects and retrieves instructions from the main memory in proper sequence and interprets them so as to activate the other functional elements of the system at the appropriate moment to perform their
Types of CPU                Name of CPU
⦁    With pin                AMD(Sempron, Athlon, Phenom)
⦁    Without Pin                Celeron, Pentium, Pentium2, Pentium3,                                 Pentium4, Dual Core, Core 2Due, Core
2Quad core i3, core i5, Core i7,
DVD and CD ROM (Digital Versatile Disk and Compact Disk)
 Function of Dvd and CD Drive
This optical drive works on a similar
CD Drive
CD Drive is a optical driver. It is used to read
Data and stored on the surface of a reflective disk.
Its capacity is
Laser than DVD ROM.
DVD Drive
DVD Drive is also optical driver likes cd drive where
We can store (save) data lager than cd drive. Its
Capacity is too larger than other optical drive

Monday, January 18, 2016

Nature And Characteristics Of Law

 Nature of law:

law is inextricably linked with the society as its integral
is the standard rule to maintain the relationship between the society
and its the absense of law, no society exists in  desired
standard and lawlessness creats insecurity,trespass,painfulness and
anarchy.therefore law is besic foundation of state.

the turm nature of characteristic signifies inseparable and inherent
qualities of the subject.the nature of law is also relating to its
objective and the ultimate of law is to fulfill the need of contemporary
society and subjects.the need of society is determined by its member
and they make law to fulfill it.for this purpose, law can paly significant
role to regulate,control and provide guidence to the society.there are
several views on law as mentioned in the various definition and school
of thought has paid diffrent weight to the diffrent aspects.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

General Interduction To LAW Education

              General Interduction To LAW Education 



certain rules,regulations and principles are existing in the society for guiding and governing the conduct or behavior of its members.those rules and principles are established by the members of such rules and principles.Law is developed forms of such is made as an instrument to regulate and govern the provide recognition to the human conduct or affairs to regulate the society in prescribed way and to govern the society,law is  regarded as valid instrument.In the hindu philosophy,law is not separated from the religion and it is inextricably linked with religious rules.likewise, in the muslim legal system, the law is recognized a religion and morality.


The term law indicates that legal instrument which comprises several forms of rules and is the guidance of society and treats equally to the every person.being a subject of law every member of the society should regulate his/her conduct or act as specified by the law or within the ambit of the one is permited to breach the case of infringement of law, concern person should be the subject of legal consequence namely the senction.lawbreaker person has to pay punishment as prescribed in that particular is presumed that everyone should know is  a universally recognized principle that ignorance of law and mistake as to law is no excused.therefore, every people of the society should have knowledge about the current laws.this principle is necessary to execute or enforce law equally in the society as an instrument to the achieve its is not itself an end it is only means to serve the needs of human beings.therefore the ultimate goal of law is to provide valid means to achieve the ends as determined by the members of the contemporary society. in the very precise words it can be said that the law is the systemof rules of conduct established by the sovereign government of a society to correct wrongs, maintain the stability of political and social authority, and deliver justice.

in this context ,it can be said that the law is a binding principle or rules made by the competent authority or state to control, systematize and regulate the human conduct or activities is believed that the law is valid instrument to develop the society as expected manner.

there are various schools of thought have been developed in the realm of law or jurisprudence with the pace of time .every thought has its own specific message and regards or interprets law with different manner and ways within the ambit of the same almighty and it is universal is the product of reason, intuition, nature, morality, ethics etc.