Sunday, January 3, 2016

General Interduction To LAW Education

              General Interduction To LAW Education 



certain rules,regulations and principles are existing in the society for guiding and governing the conduct or behavior of its members.those rules and principles are established by the members of such rules and principles.Law is developed forms of such is made as an instrument to regulate and govern the provide recognition to the human conduct or affairs to regulate the society in prescribed way and to govern the society,law is  regarded as valid instrument.In the hindu philosophy,law is not separated from the religion and it is inextricably linked with religious rules.likewise, in the muslim legal system, the law is recognized a religion and morality.


The term law indicates that legal instrument which comprises several forms of rules and is the guidance of society and treats equally to the every person.being a subject of law every member of the society should regulate his/her conduct or act as specified by the law or within the ambit of the one is permited to breach the case of infringement of law, concern person should be the subject of legal consequence namely the senction.lawbreaker person has to pay punishment as prescribed in that particular is presumed that everyone should know is  a universally recognized principle that ignorance of law and mistake as to law is no excused.therefore, every people of the society should have knowledge about the current laws.this principle is necessary to execute or enforce law equally in the society as an instrument to the achieve its is not itself an end it is only means to serve the needs of human beings.therefore the ultimate goal of law is to provide valid means to achieve the ends as determined by the members of the contemporary society. in the very precise words it can be said that the law is the systemof rules of conduct established by the sovereign government of a society to correct wrongs, maintain the stability of political and social authority, and deliver justice.

in this context ,it can be said that the law is a binding principle or rules made by the competent authority or state to control, systematize and regulate the human conduct or activities is believed that the law is valid instrument to develop the society as expected manner.

there are various schools of thought have been developed in the realm of law or jurisprudence with the pace of time .every thought has its own specific message and regards or interprets law with different manner and ways within the ambit of the same almighty and it is universal is the product of reason, intuition, nature, morality, ethics etc.

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