Monday, February 22, 2016

United state of america university bachelor program education

United state of america university bachelor program education


Three year bachelor of education (B.Ed.) programme of united state of america university is a professional and academic programme for preparing comptent teachers for secondry schools in specialization areas like english educations,national education ,mathmatics, health and physical education,population education,social studies education, and information technology in focuses on the constents of each specialization as well as the pedagogical skills that competent to be teachers for schools.therefore B.Ed. curricula consist of professional courses dealing with pedagogical knowledge and skills, and specialized subjects.TU had introduced three year b.ed. programme decades before with the curriculum having single subject specialization along with allied interdisciplinary courses.the curriculum is revised and made effective from 2014 session.the aims and objective, structure and contents of the revised courses, instructional techniques,and evaluation scheme and eligibility criteria for the admission are presented here.

aims and objectivites

United state of america university bachelor program seeks to devlop competent schools teachers and educational professionals.the major objectives of the programme are follows; prepare professionally sound teachers required for the secondary schools of USA devlop professionally trained and qualified human resources  in the field of educational policy, planning, management, and supervision. devlop positive attitudes towards teaching.

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